
Markus Posch
Head of Sales & Partnermanagement | CEO
T: +43 50 4510-0
M: [email protected]

DI Martin Klock
Head of Finance & HR | CFO
T: +43 50 4510-610
M: [email protected]

Beratung & Vertrieb

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Christian Engl-Kuhnert
Teamleitung Sales
T: +43 50 4510-608
M: [email protected]

Michaela Bodlos
Account Managerin
T: +43 50 4510-622
M: [email protected]

Oliver Grassler
Account Manager
T: +43 50 4510-620
M: [email protected]

Martin Waldinger, MBA
Account Manager
T: +43 50 4510-627
M: [email protected]

Mag. Nicole Haller
Öffentliche Projekte & Bildungsberatung
T: +43 50 4510-604
M: [email protected]

Bereichsleitung Operations

Ing. Matthias Wilhelm, BSc, MA
Head of Operations
T: +43 50 4510-623
M: [email protected]

Backoffice & Organisation

Organisation Graz

Veronika Zuber
Teamleitung Seminarzentrum Graz & Organisation
T: +43 50 4510-615
M: [email protected]

Jennifer Angerer
Backoffice & Organisation Graz
T: +43 50 4510-611
M: [email protected]

Vanessa Gruber
Front Office & Organisation Graz
T: +43 50 4510-602
M: [email protected]

Organisation Wien

Emina Arifovic
Teamleitung Seminarzentrum Wien
T: +43 50 4510-630
M: [email protected]

Sophie Kurtz
Front Office & Organisation Wien
T: +43 50 4510-631
M: [email protected]

Ana Peric
Front Office & Organisation Wien
T: +43 50 4510-619
M: [email protected]


Ing. Matthias Wilhelm, BSc, MA
T: +43 50 4510-623
M: [email protected]


Manuela Pucher
Teamleitung Marketing
T: +43 50 4510-605
M: [email protected]

Danielle Matanovic
Grafik- & Mediendesign
T: +43 50 4510-0
M: [email protected]

Finance & Controlling

DI Martin Klock
Head of Finance & HR | CFO
T: +43 50 4510-610
M: [email protected]

Mag. Evelin Klock
Fakturierung & Controlling
T: +43 50 4510-616
M: [email protected]


Dipl.-Pädn. Ursula Posch
T: +43 50 4510-0
M: [email protected]

Technik & Support

Fabian Weixler
Leitung Technik & Support Graz
T: +43 50 4510-607
M: [email protected]

Maximilian Gnuschke
Technik & Support Graz
T: +43 50 4510-609
M: [email protected]

Florian Reinthaler
Technik & Support Wien
T: +43 50 4510-621
M: [email protected]

Business Consultants

Bernd Brandl
Entwicklung IT-Anwendertraining
T: +43 50 4510-614
M: [email protected]

Horst Brunsteiner
Trainer & Consultant
T: +43 50 4510-612
M: [email protected]

DI (FH) Christian Handler
Trainer & Consultant
T: +43 50 4510-0
M: [email protected]

DI Thomas Knaller, BSc MA
T: +43 50 4510-0
M: [email protected]

Christian Kemp
Trainer & Consultant
T: +43 50 4510-613
M: [email protected]

Dieter Lorenz
Trainer & Consultant
T: +43 50 4510-0
M: [email protected]